Mold in your attic? Not anymore!
Attic Insulation Removal

Say Bye To Your Old Attic Insulation

Just Contact Our Insulation Removal Professionals Today

Attic Insulation Removal

Insulation Removal | Attic Cleaning Beverly Hills, CA

When you recognize that it is time to replace the attic's insulation, it is extremely important to first remove the old, worn-out materials. Sometimes the removal of the old insulation is even more important than simply skipping ahead to putting a new layer. Why? Well first, the old material is probably worn-out and therefore probably damaged by wetness, mold, bacteria, and the like, so its removal is essential to the residents of the house and to their health. Who'd want contaminated leftovers laying around their property? Secondly, a thorough disposal of previously used materials will ensure the long-term durability of the new insulation. What can happen if you don't remove the old insulation before you install the new one? Here's a couple of examples.

Pay Twice for Your New Insulation

When you insist on placing the new insulation over the old one, the old material will damage the new one sooner and more severely than you think. Meaning, after a few months, you will have to pay for new insulation all over again. Not only can the old material transfer inflictions its suffering from to the new layer (mold, water damages, etc.), but it will probably also interfere with its effective performance. One way or the other, you will pay twice for your new insulation.

Noises in the Middle of the Night

Installing insulation without removing the old one, means that there will be damaged, rotten material caged between the attic's ceiling and outer walls and the new material. You can only imagine the creepy noises crawling up on you in the middle of the night when that's the situation. So not only is it not healthy for you (as the old infected and damaged material is still in your house affecting you and your family's health), and not only will it lead to greater expenses (as soon enough you will have to pay for new insulation all over again), but it will also disturb your family's way of life.

Context the Experts

Call us at Attic Cleaning Beverly Hills for professional insulation removal services. Out team will carefully and thoroughly dispose of the old material before installing the new one. That, along with our professional attic and crawl space cleaning and decontamination services, will allow your home to be cleaner and safer, while allowing you to save time and money. 


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When you hire our professional cleaners - your satisfaction is guaranteed! Our company provides only safe, pet friendly, and highly professional cleaning services and solutions.

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Feb 9, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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